
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Up Next...

I've gotten some good feedback about the dinosaur, so I think I'm going to work on those now. Hopefully, I can knock those out pretty quick. I would love to hear your thoughts about any of my paintings, feel free to click on the word comments and write me.


Unknown said...

Hi Charlie,

I like all your new work! Those men o look like you. I like the rhythm of the clouds in your brontosaurus painting. Keep up the good work!


Charlie Cooley said...

Thanks Martha.

Anonymous said...

hi charlie I wonder if you would remember me. Your work is amazing I really like the balancing act painting. I will be sharing this with some friends of mine. I will vist your sight again and the next time I hope to purchase one.

Mildrena Gilzne

Charlie Cooley said...

How could anyone forget Mildrena!?