
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Diogi or D.O.G.

Acrylic on Cardboard
11 inches by 14 inches

This is another dog, obviously. I painted this for a couple I met. I went over to their house to meet the dog and get a feel for what the couple was like. I was immediately drawn this chair on the patio, I really like old furniture, plus it was orange. Any time I can paint something that has a retro feel to it I am happy.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pissed Off Cat

Acrylic on Wood
24 inches by 5 1/2 inches

This is one of those that just popped into my head. It's definitely a little twisted, but I think it's extra cool. After finishing the wood I didn't want to cover it up, so I left a lot of it showing.

Butters and Gracie

Acrylic on Cardboard
8 inches by 10 inches

Those of you who know me know that I, on occasion, will do animal portraits. The two dogs names are Butters and Gracie. I really like the way it turned out, it was quick and easy.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Acrylic on Wood
24 inches by 5 1/2 inches

I think the name of this piece says it all. My little shisa has definitely gotten himself into a pickle. I went bold on the colors here, but I think it works.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Changes Afoot!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, life has definitely been a little crazy for me as of late. I'm probably going to scrap any ideas I've posted previously, so don't go looking for chess players or dinosaurs any time soon. I just finished a painting and I'm in the middle of my next one. I should be posting those in the next day or two.
Also, I just want to thank my friends and family who continue to encourage me to keep creating art.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Cabbies Playing Chess

I saw these two cabbies playing chess down at the train station the other day, I thought it would make a nice painting. Picture this- two guys standing playing chess, their board is sitting on top of a parking meter balancing precariously. Both are just standing there with their fist on their chins contemplating the next move, the time on the meter has expired. I believe this would make a great tall narrow painting. I just wanted to get this written down so I wouldn't forget it, like so many of my ideas. Thanks to the people who have sent me such positive feedback. If you left a comment, check back, I will usually leave a response.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Up Next...

I've gotten some good feedback about the dinosaur, so I think I'm going to work on those now. Hopefully, I can knock those out pretty quick. I would love to hear your thoughts about any of my paintings, feel free to click on the word comments and write me.

Cloud Pipe

Acrylic on Wood
8 inches by 31 1/2 inches

Whew...finally finished another painting. I based this one on some old metal figures we found in our basement. I don't quite know where I got the idea of him floating and making clouds, but I think it looks really cool. I put elephants in the background for good measure.

Friday, February 8, 2008


I have a piece wood that I'd like to do a painting on. I know I said I was going to do a series of dinosaurs, but I get bored easily. I need to paint the wood. I think I'm going to paint one of my elephants on the wood. I keep trying to be done with these elephants, but I keep getting ideas with them in it. Wish me luck as I try to tame the elephant and the wood.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Balancing Act

Acrylic on Canvasboard
16 inches by 20 inches
I wanted to paint something that looked as if things were going to fall apart if the right choices aren't made. It was suppose to represent good and evil, but I don't think I do evil very well. Here's what I came up with. I like it. And no, those guys are not me, even though they may look it, that was not my intention.

Blackbird on Holiday

Acrylic on Canvasboard
16 inches by 20 inches

I call this Blackbird on Holiday, for some reason it reminds me of a tourist looking up at something new and different. The painting itself is reminiscent of my older work, where I would try to paint as fast as I could, not paying attention to details.

Okinawan Shisa

Acrylic on Okinawan Roof Tile

Now that I have our camera back, I am able to post a few paintings I did before the dionsaur. Starting with the Okinawan Shisa, I painted quite a few of these while living in Okinawa. We had friends visit from the states a couple of weeks ago, they saw pictures of some I did a while back, and asked if I would paint them some.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Acrylic on Canvas
7 3/4 inches square
Yeah, I know what you're going to say, "Charlie, there's no such thing as a Brontosaurus, it's really an Apatosaurus.” The Brontosaurus was my favorite dinosaur when I was a kid and you can't take that away from me. That's like a friend telling me he has changed his name and expects me to call him by his new one, not going to happen. Besides, do you know what Apatosaurus means, it means "Deceptive Lizard"...lame. Now Brontosaurus, on the other hand means "Thunder Lizard" and that's bad-to the Jurassic-bone.

Silly Dinosaur...

I'm almost done with my first dinosaur painting. While it was fun to paint, it now seems pretty silly. I'm debating making this my one and only dinosuar. All I can do is wait to see where inspiration takes me, usually I don't know what the final outcome of a painting is going to be when I start.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


My next 3 paintings will be of dinosaurs. Why? Because they're awesome that's why. I know they're not very thought provoking, but they will be cool. I bought this 3pack of little square canvases yesterday for my little dinosaurs.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spurious Starry Night

Acrylic on Canvas
15 3/4 inches square
I wasn't going to post this painting, I completed it just before the Kurt Vonnegut portrait. Then today as I was flipping through a Van Gogh book I notice I totally ripped off his Starry Night. Believe me, this was completely subconscious. I know at first glance it doesn't look like it, but the composition is the same. Anyway, I was going to call it Fake Starry Night, but spurious starts with an s and it sounds cooler. Thank you thesaurus.

Finished a Painting

I completed a painting last night. I believe it is the best one I've done all year. Sorry I can't show it to you right now, I won't have our camera until Saturday. I will attempt to paint a mental image for you. It is on a canvas that is 16x20 inches within that there are 2 rectangles. If you are familiar with my work you know I tend to stick to a narrow horizontal or vertical format. So, within those rectangles there is an elephant, a bird, and a man each representing good or evil. It is up to the viewer to decide which is which. I need to get better at describing my work. Hopefully this weekend I will be posting at least 2 new paintings.

If you have not seen any of my previous work you can go to to get an idea of what I do.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Kurt Vonnegut Portrait

Acrylic on Canvas
9 inches by 12 inches
Okay, so here is my last painting. It is Kurt Vonnegut, my favorite author. If you are familiar with his work you will know that poo-tee-weet are the last words of "Slaughterhouse-Five".
This is my first ever blog. I wanted to create this so I could keep everyone up-to-date on my art work. I am not going to post any of my old work. What I would like to do is show you my current work and my progress on the next piece. Also, this will act as my art diary, I will try to post ideas for upcoming paintings so you know the thought process behind them.